Integrated Product Development is an experiential, interdisciplinary 6-credit course that creates a competitive product development environment for students from Art & Design, Business, Engineering, and Information. Teams combine their expertise to research, build, and market new products that address a design challenge.





Led by experienced faculty from the Ross School of Business and Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design, IPD also features guest speakers and design reviewers with extensive corporate product development and design experience who provide outside feedback to teams throughout the semester.

Teams compete for the $5,000 Sarah S. Murphy Prize.

Join IPD Next Term

“While nothing can truly prepare you for starting and running a business, U of M’s Integrated Product Development course is the best college course for molding a budding entrepreneur’s mind.” – Former IPD Student

IPD was the most holistic course offered within the business school or school of engineering. It effectively combined the rigor, discipline and methodology required to develop products, while representing the real-life tension and organizational factors that impact a firm’s ability to deliver winning products. By accurately representing the product development process, from brainstorming and concept creation to planning, pricing and execution, IPD allowed me to see what a career in developing products would look like.” – Former IPD Student

“I want to emphasize how mind-opening IPD has been. Our conversations and the insights from the design review panelists have opened my eyes to the possibilities within the creative dimensions of the business world.” – Former IPD Student